Tagged: Bill Britton


Treasures of Darkness

Treasures of Darkness by Bill Britton: During a time of great darkness for Israel, there was a man that experienced a treasure he had never seen or heard of before. A treasure so tremendous, that it is recorded for 48 chapters in the living pages of God’s book. That man was a priest in the temple. If he had a family, they were gone! He was there by the rivers of Babylon where the rest of Israel was hanging their harps on the willows. Their heads were down. All they could...


Sons of God Awake

Sons of God Awake by Bill Britton, Man is surrounded by limitations. In fact, he is a creature of circum-stances, limited by time, space, human knowledge, physical strength and endurance. No matter how desperate he is to perform a task, he can stay awake only a certain number of hours, then he becomes weak and useless physically and mentally until he gives in to sleep and rest. (Bill Britton) No matter how large an empire he has to rule over, he can only be at one place at a time....


A Closer Look at the Rapture

A Closer Look at the Rapture by Bill Britton. In the early 1950’s, God started dealing with Bro Bill Britton concerning the “Rapture of the Church”. He just could not see it the way the traditional churches were teaching it. There were many things that God was showing him in the Scripture that was going against the grain in the denomination where he ministered. In 1957, Bill Britton shared his vision that the Lord had given him concerning the Body of Christ and the end times. He was not encouraged...


Famine in the Land

Famine in the Land by Bill Britton: On a dirt road in the middle of a wide field stood a beautiful carriage, something on the order of a stagecoach, but all edged in gold, and with beautiful carvings. It was pulled by six large chestnut horses, two in the lead, two in the middle and two in the rear. But they were not moving, they were not pulling the carriage, and I wondered why. Then I saw the driver underneath the carriage, on the ground on his back, just behind...


Bill Britton The Completed Body of Christ

Bill Britton The Completed Body of Christ, The Body of Christ refers to the collective group of believers in Jesus Christ, who are considered to be spiritually connected and united as a single organism. This concept is based on the teachings of the New Testament in the Bible, particularly in the letters written by the apostle Paul. (Bill Britton) According to these teachings, when an individual accepts Jesus as their Lord and Savior, they become part of the Body of Christ, which is also referred to as the Church. This...


Bill Britton Coming of the King Part 2

Bill Britton Coming of the King Part 2, Coming of the King Part 2, The Return of Jesus, also known as the Second Coming, refers to the belief in Christianity that Jesus Christ will come back to Earth in the future. This belief is based on numerous biblical verses found in the New Testament, which describe Jesus’ promise to return. According to Christian teachings, Jesus will return to judge the living and the dead, bringing an end to the world and establishing His eternal kingdom. The exact timing of this...