Tagged: George Warnock


Evening and Morning

Evening and Morning by George Warnock, In this time of spiritual visitation God would remind His people over and over again that He is consistently seeking to draw them into direct, unhindered union with Himself, that through them He might reveal His glory unto the nations. Whenever forms of truth, and religious structures and systems are emphasised, the people of God are invariably bogged down in human contrivances that will eventually lead them nowhere. Proper doctrines and methods and structures we will always require, but God wants us to know...


Crowned with Oil

Crowned with Oil by George Warnock, Many times we may pick up a book, nod, read it, admit that what we have read is good and scriptural, and then begin to wonder: “What did this book do for me? Has it produced in me a greater measure of the life of Christ? Or imparted to me a greater desire to walk in obedience, and to draw closer to His bract?” (George Warnock) Perhaps we are not always able to answer questions like that in a precise manner, But if what we...


Seven Lamps of Fire

Seven Lamps of Fire by George Warnock, As I read and reread the seven letters to the seven churches, I cannot help but know that here in the free world at least, our Lord is calling His Church to repentance and for the same reasons He called five of the seven churches of Asia to repentance. He even threatened He would remove the Lampstand from one church that had so much going for them, for a reason we would hardly consider to be valid. After all they were doing good works,...


The Feast of Tabernacles

The Feast of Tabernacles by George Warnock, this book was first written in the spring of 1951, and published a few weeks later. It seemed to lay almost dormant for a number of years, for great revivals were sweeping the country, and the spiritual drought of many decades had given way to times of refreshing. This is not to say that God stopped working in the realm of the miraculous, for He has indeed been faithful in pouring out His Spirit upon all flesh even as He promised He would...


What is the Purpose of Manna?

What is the Purpose of Manna? by George Warnock. This unrest, this dissatisfaction, this hunger that persists among many of God’s people is ordained of the Lord to prepare us for Canaan fruitfulness. That manna in the wilderness causes us to hunger. It was designed for that purpose. It was never intended to satisfy our appetites, but it does meet our present need. God has been faithful in giving us all we need in the wilderness. But it has left us in a state of hunger, and with Divine intent and...