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Mystery of Christ and our Union with Him

- Transformative Christianity For Young Women And Men
 Series: Treasures of Truth  Author: George Hawtin  Category: Christ, Latter Rain  Publisher: Lampstand Communication  Published: 22/09/2023  Pages: 121  Country: USA  ISBN 13: 979-8309937608  Book Size: 6*9 inch  Kindle Size: 305kb  Tags: Christ and Our UnionMystery of ChristUnion with Him | More Details  Kindle  Paper Back

Mystery of Christ and Our Union with Him invites you on a profound journey into the heart of faith, exploring the transformative power of our connection with Christ. In a world teetering on the brink of uncertainty, this enlightening work speaks to the deep-seated yearnings of young adults, families, and anyone seeking spiritual truth.

As we navigate the final moments of an extraordinary age, the author unravels the profound mystery of our union with Christ, revealing how this sacred bond can illuminate our lives and guide us through the chaos. With emotional depth and unwavering honesty, each chapter offers a fresh perspective on the divine relationship that binds us all, encouraging readers to embrace their faith in a new and vibrant way.

Through heartfelt reflections and insightful revelations, Mystery of Christ and Our Union with Him will resonate with anyone longing for purpose, connection, and hope. This is more than just a book; it’s an invitation to discover the incredible potential of living in unity with Christ. Join the journey and unlock the mystery that could change your life forever.

Excerpt: In the hearts of millions of people in this hour there is an in-ward knowledge that the world is now seeing the final impressive moments of the great drama that has occupied earth’s vast theatre for the past six thousand years. It is my earnest longing and continual prayer to God that all who read the lines which follow may feel their spirits arrested and awakened by the wisdom and power of that great omniscient Person of whom our Lord Jesus fervently spoke, saying, “When He, the Spirit of truth, is come, He will guide you into all truth; for He shall not speak of Himself; but whatsoever He shall hear, that shall He speak: and He will show you things to come. He shall glorify me: for He shall receive of Mine, and shall show it unto you.” John 16: 13, 14 If God’s people could but see the limitless store of wisdom and knowledge offered to us here, they would quickly abandon the vanities of earth and religion, cleanse their temple, and become the continual abiding place of this heavenly person-age.

The earth was without form, and void; and darkness was upon the face of the deep until that hour of which it is written, “The Spirit of God moved upon the face of the waters.” Then God said, “Let there be light: and there was light. And God saw the light that it was good.” Gen. 1: 2-4 The same mysterious pattern followed by our God in creation is followed in the regeneration of every man. In the unregenerated and unconverted state our lives, our hearts, our spirits, our souls, and our minds are all without form and void, and darkness, gross darkness, outer darkness that can be felt, shrouds our beings as a thick cloud until the day comes in the grace and wisdom of God that the Holy Spirit moves like a breath from heaven upon us, dispelling the covering clouds of darkness and causing the Sun (Son) of righteousness to shine into the vain, void wilderness of our hopeless hearts.

Mystery of Christ and our Union with Him

About the author

George Hawtin

George Hawtin would write and publish a series of 32 books on various vital subjects dealing with deep Biblical truths. Many of these books first appeared as articles in his monthly publication called, “The Page” from the 1960’ to the...

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