In a world where distractions abound and the truth often feels obscured, Prayer Preparation and Patience invites you on a transformative journey to uncover the profound mysteries of God and the human heart. This heartfelt exploration dives deep into the complexities of self-awareness, revealing the often-hidden layers of our souls.
Why Prayer Preparation and Patience is Relevant Today
Through poignant reflections and relatable anecdotes, this book speaks to the millions who grapple with the truth of their own hearts—those who can admit, “I know myself, for the heart is deceitful and desperately wicked.” With each turn of the page, you’ll discover how prayer can be a powerful tool for preparation and patience, guiding you toward a deeper understanding of both your faith and your inner self.
Who Should Read Prayer Preparation and Patience?
Perfect for young adults, families, and anyone seeking a more meaningful relationship with God, this book blends emotional honesty with spiritual insights. Whether you’re navigating life’s challenges or simply yearning for a closer connection to the divine, Prayer Preparation and Patience will inspire you to embrace the journey of self-discovery and faith. Open your heart and mind, and let the mysteries unfold.
Prayer Preparation and Patience Excerpt: Great is the mystery of God and great is the mystery of man. Few there be among the earth’s millions who can say with truth, “I know myself, for the heart is deceitful and desperately wicked. Who can know it? Jer. 17:9. Man above all else is spirit. He is not body, soul, and spirit, but spirit, soul, and body. Thus in God’s word he is always defined. 1 Thessolonians. 5:23. But man in the darkness of his understanding has chosen the visible things before the invisible, putting the last things first and the first things last. He has placed the visible and temporal ahead of the invisible and eternal, the passing before the permanent, the earthly clay in preference to the heavenly spirit. The per-ishing things that belong to time he has chosen to supersede the things that belong to the eternal. Into what deceit he has fallen.
Prayer Preparation and Patience Continued…
How pitiful is to read of the vain and silly notions advanced by men of science as they vainly hope to preserve man’s mortal flesh which, should it be preserved a thousand years, would at last fade away in obscurity and vanity, for all natural things are in the end vanity and vexation of spirit. Will man in his wicked desire to live without God become so base that he will indeed endeavor to deep freeze the human body, vainly hoping to restore it in some distant century when medical science has perfected a cure for the disease that was about to cause death in that particular person? Those who strive for such things have never learned that man is above all else a spirit being. They have never learned that the body is but an earthly dwell-ing place for the spirit, which is being prepared here in the lowest parts of the earth to bear the image of the eternal and to perform ministries of light and glory in a realm where pain never stalks and where death never prowls nor raises his ugly head. In those endless realms of light, whose fadeless flowers human eye hath not seen and whose deep songs of eternal joy human ear hath not heard, the spirit enters the realm of which it was created and the place in God where it can find rest.
George Hawtin would write and publish a series of 32 books on various vital subjects dealing with deep Biblical truths. Many of these books first appeared as articles in his monthly publication called, “The Page” from the 1960’ to the...
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