In a world filled with noise and distraction, how do we cultivate a deeper connection with God? Edward M. Bounds, a revered voice in Christian thought, invites you on a transformative journey through the essentials of faith and the power of prayer in The Necessity of Prayer. This compelling guide is designed for young adults and families seeking to enrich their spiritual lives and deepen their understanding of faith in intercessory prayer.
Who Should Read The Necessity of Prayer?
Discover the profound impact that prayer and faith can have on your daily existence, relationships, and community. Bounds expertly weaves timeless truths with practical insights, illuminating how prayer and faith is not just a ritual but a vital necessity for a vibrant faith. Learn how to intercede for others, embrace the power of collective prayer, and experience the miraculous ways God responds.
Why The Necessity of Prayer is Relevant Today
Whether you’re a seasoned believer or just beginning to explore your faith, The Necessity of Prayer offers a refreshing perspective that will inspire you to prioritize prayer in your life. Dive into this essential resource and unlock the transformative potential of a prayerful heart.
The Necessity of Prayer Excerpt: In any study of the principles and procedure of prayer, of its activities and enterprises, first place, must, of necessity, be given to faith. It is the initial quality in the heart of any man who essays to talk to the unseen. He must, out of sheer helplessness, stretch forth hands of faith. He must believe, where he cannot prove. In the ultimate issue, prayer is simply faith, claiming its natural yet marvelous prerogatives-faith taking possession of its illimitable inheritance. True godliness is just as true, steady, and persevering in the realm of faith as it is in the province of prayer. Moreover: when faith ceases to pray, it ceases to live.
Faith does the impossible because it brings God to undertake for us, and nothing is impossible with God. How great-without qualification or limitation-is the power of faith! If doubt be banished from the heart, and unbelief made stranger there, what we ask of God shall surely come to pass, and a believer hath vouchsafed to him “whatsoever he saith.”
Prayer projects faith on God, and God on the world. Only God can move mountains, but faith and prayer move God. In his cursing of the fig tree our Lord demonstrated his power. Following that, he proceeded to declare, that large powers were committed to faith and prayer, not in order to kill but to make alive, not to blast but to bless.
At this point in our study, we turn to a saying of our Lord, which there is need to emphasize, since it is the very keystone of the arch of faith and prayer.
Therefore, I say unto you, What things so ever ye desire when ye pray, believe that ye receive them, and ye shall have them. We should ponder well that statement-“Believe that ye receive them, and ye shall have them.” Here is described a faith which realizes, which appropriates, which takes. Such faith is a consciousness of the divine, an experienced communion, a realized certainty.
Is faith growing or declining as the years go by? Does faith stand strong and foursquare, these days, as iniquity abounds and the love of many grows cold? Does faith maintain its hold, as religion tends to become a mere formality and worldliness increasingly prevails? The inquiry of our Lord, may, with great appropriateness, be ours. “When the Son of Man cometh,” he asks, “shall he find faith on the earth?” We believe that he will, and it is ours, in this our day, to see to it that the lamp of faith is trimmed and burning, lest he come who shall come, and that right early.
Edward McKendree Bounds did not merely pray well that he might write well about prayer. He prayed because the needs of the world were upon him. He prayed, for long years, upon subjects, which the easy-going Christian rarely gives a...
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