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Eagle Saints Arise

- An Alternative Guide to End Times Survival for Men and Women.
 Author: Bill Britton  Category: Kingdom, Prophecy  Publisher: Lampstand Communication  Published: 27/11/2024  Pages: 113  Country: AU  ISBN 13: 979-8301685187  Book Size: 6*9 inch  Kindle Size: 444kb  Tags: Eagle in CaptivityEagle Saints | More Details  Kindle  Paper Back

In a world shrouded in uncertainty and doubt, Eagle Saints Arise invites you on a transformative journey into the heart of divine revelation. Through poignant storytelling and profound insights, these spiritual stories unveil the beauty and glory of Christ like never before.

Why Eagle Saints Arise is Relevant Today

As you turn the pages, you will find yourself drawn into a realm where the veil between the ordinary and the extraordinary is lifted. Experience the stirring call of a voice that beckons you to explore deeper truths and embrace the fullness of your faith. This is not just a book; it’s an awakening, a chance to rediscover the sacred within the mundane.

Who Should Read Eagle Saints Arise?

Perfect for young adults and families seeking spiritual depth and connection, Eagle Saints Arise offers a rich tapestry of emotion and mystery, guiding you to a place where hope reigns and love transforms. Whether you are questioning, seeking, or yearning for a deeper understanding, this book will ignite your spirit and inspire you to rise as an eagle saint in a world that desperately needs your light. Are you ready to unveil the glory? Your journey begins now.

Eagle Saints Arise Excerpt: Thunderheads rolled ominously over the Western hills, as the lightning bolts streaked across the sky. In a lush green valley be-low, two birds together in a barn lot reacted in different ways. Appearing similar in some ways, the birds were as different as day and night. The chicken, with her head down and her beak busy in the trash of the barnyard, stepped up her pace as she scratched among the debris and filth searching for grubworms, scraps, and bits of corn. Knowing that time was short, and that she would soon have to take refuge in the safety of the barn, she worked fran-tically to get a meal before the full fury of the storm struck. Quite strange was the appearance and actions of the other bird. He sat on a fence post, his head lifted to the sky and his sharp piercing eyes searching among the clouds. He stretched his wings lazily, and gusts of wind almost lifted him from his perch. It was a thrilling sight to see the magnificent wingspread, and it was easy to see that the feathers of his wings that had once been clipped back to prevent him flying away, had once again grown to their full length. It was obvious that this bird was not a chicken.

Eagle Saints Arise Cont.

On a mountain peak far above the farm, the farmer had taken an egg from the nest of an Eagle. He had placed it under a sitting hen and hatched it out with a brood of little chickens. With much patience he had raised it and tried to tame it and make a domestic bird of it. But from the very first it had not fit in with the routine of the chicken lot. It walked alone, for it found no fellowship with the other little chicks nor the hen. And tho from the day it hatched out it had known no environment but the domestic life about it, yet from deep within something of the wild, free nature of the eagle cried out that this was not “home”. As it grew larger, its wings had been clipped. Unable to fly, it sat in the barnyard daily, looking upward… its body confined to earth, but its heart in the say. Not knowing why, unable to explain, yet knowing that there was a constant call from within to rise to greater heights in heavenly places above.

Eagle Saints Arise

About the author

Bill Britton

Few men had the audacity to influence the Church with such broad fervour as Bill Britton did. This man was driven to guide a nation "through the veil" and was engrossed in God's goals, believed that the splendour to come...

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